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Illinois Elder Abuse Injury Lawyers

Elder Abuse Lawyers in Lake County, IL

Attorneys for Seniors Abused and Injured in Cook County

Leaving your aging loved one in the care of a third party is never an easy decision. However difficult the decision, it is often a necessary one when considering the amount of time and resources needed to adequately care for a parent, grandparent, or adult relative. In addition to the everyday care that must be provided, other challenges present themselves when your loved one is particularly fragile or has other special needs. In these cases, leaving your loved one in the care of an experienced professional is oftentimes the best decision for your loved one. However, when injuries result while in the care of a third party, that trust becomes broken and you may need to consult with a lawyer if you believe your loved one is entitled to compensation. To determine you or your loved one's right to obtain compensation, contact Newland & Newland, LLP today, for a risk-free initial consultation.

Lawsuits Based on Intentional Conduct

Sometimes nursing home injuries occur as a result of intentional conduct. Often problems associated with nursing homes are related to staffing, such as a facility being understaffed or being negligent in the hiring of unqualified or dangerous staff. Unfortunately, this creates an environment in which staff members can become stressed or disgruntled about their intense workloads. In turn, staff can wrongfully mistreat residents.

Some signs that may indicate nursing home abuse is taking place include:

  • Frequent scrapes, bumps, and bruises
  • Unexplained injuries
  • Staff yelling at residents
  • Facility failing to show records of care such as check-ins and medication administration

Ultimately, nursing home facilities are responsible for the employees it hires. If employee misconduct has caused your loved one to suffer unnecessary injuries, contact Newland & Newland, LLP.

Medication Mismanagement

Prescription abuse is a major concern in the state of Illinois and other states within the U.S. Nursing home facilities are known to have many different medications to meet the needs of various patients. Even when facility owners have the best intentions at avoiding abuse of medication access, many patients suffer injuries from misappropriated medications. Over time, the lack of access to pain medications and other prescription drugs may be devastating. If you suspect that your loved one is not receiving the medications prescribed, you should immediately notify the facility of your concerns in writing. If your concerns are not addressed or rectified, contact Newland & Newland, LLP to speak with an attorney.

Elder abuse does not only occur in facilities. Elder abuse also occurs in homes throughout the United States by home health aids. Regardless of where your loved one is housed, it is important to speak with him or her in addition to looking for common signs of abuse or neglect. 

Contact Newland & Newland, LLP

Newland & Newland, LLP can assist you or your loved one with filing and obtaining monetary relief for a personal injury claim in the state of Illinois. For a no-risk initial consultation, contact us today at 847-797-8000 to schedule an appointment in one of our offices located in Arlington Heights, Chicago, Libertyville, and Itasca. 

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