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Is a Personal Injury Insurance Claim the Same as a Lawsuit?

 Posted on March 06, 2025 in Personal Injury

Arlington Heights, IL personal injury lawyerYou are probably aware that you could be entitled to compensation if you are injured in an accident caused by someone else. However, you may not understand how the personal injury process works, and that could lead you to make costly mistakes. While most of these cases begin with the victim filing an insurance claim, the insurance company is highly unlikely to pay a fair amount voluntarily. Sometimes, a civil lawsuit and trial are needed to force an insurer to pay as much as it should. For optimal results, you need an experienced Arlington Heights, IL personal injury attorney advocating for your best interests.

How Do I Know If I Have a Personal Injury Case?

Most personal injury claims require you to prove that someone else’s intentional acts or negligence caused your accident and injuries. If a defective product caused you harm, product liability claims may be based on strict liability. Many kinds of incidents could provide the grounds you need to file a claim, including:

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Can Pre-Existing Conditions Affect My Personal Injury Case?

 Posted on February 28, 2025 in Personal Injury

Rolling Meadows, IL personal injury lawyerFew people go through life without experiencing some kind of injury. When someone is injured in an accident, the new injuries can worsen pre-existing conditions. While the victim may still qualify to collect compensation through a personal injury claim, the liable insurer will probably try to deny liability due to the old injury.

This type of case can be challenging to deal with alone. You can trust our knowledgeable Rolling Meadows, IL personal injury attorneys to handle your case effectively, always focused on protecting your best interests.

What Kinds of Accidents Can Worsen Pre-Existing Conditions?

You may have an old back injury that, although healed, still flares up occasionally. You might have broken a bone a few years ago that still aches sometimes. You could be prone to seizures due to a concussion in a skiing accident last winter. Old injuries can rear their heads again if you are involved in an accident, such as a:

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Did Your Child Develop NEC After Drinking Baby Formula?

 Posted on February 19, 2025 in Defective Products

Arlington Heights, IL personal injury lawyerOften shortened to NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis is a life-threatening condition that typically only affects sick or premature newborns. With this condition, a child’s intestinal tissue can become inflamed, die, and fall off. NEC is fatal in up to 50 percent of cases, but it can also cause other long-term health issues for surviving babies.

Recently, cases of NEC have been linked to some cow’s milk-based baby formulas. Because so many parents have filed lawsuits against these companies, a multidistrict litigation has been established to consolidate these cases. If your infant suffered from NEC after drinking baby formula, an experienced Arlington Heights, IL defective products attorney can evaluate your eligibility to join others in seeking compensation.

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Did You Suffer Harm From a Paragard IUD?

 Posted on February 13, 2025 in Defective Medical Devices

Palatine, IL personal injury lawyerThere are many available forms of birth control; some require taking daily pills, and others are more permanent solutions. Intra-uterine devices (IUDs) can typically last for up to ten years and are highly effective, making them a popular contraceptive option. Teva Pharmaceuticals originally manufactured a copper-based IUD called Paragard; CooperSurgical, Inc. now produces these devices.

Unfortunately, this device can break as it is being removed, potentially causing serious complications. Several lawsuits have been filed, claiming that Teva did not adequately warn physicians and patients about the risks. If your Paragard IUD harmed you, a knowledgeable Palatine, IL defective medical device lawyer can help you join thousands of others seeking compensation.

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Did You Use Tepezza and Experience Hearing Loss?

 Posted on February 06, 2025 in Defective Drugs & Treatments

Rolling Meadows, IL personal injury lawyerFor those with Graves’ disease and hyperthyroidism, the 2020 release of a new product called Tepezza provided the first available treatment option for thyroid eye disease. Administered through eight separate intravenous infusions, the drug can reduce various symptoms associated with TED. However, early patients began to notice various hearing problems after using Tepezza.

If you have used Tepezza and subsequently experienced tinnitus or other forms of hearing impairment, you may be eligible for compensation through a defective medication claim. An experienced Rolling Meadows, IL product liability attorney can assess your eligibility and help you join hundreds of others seeking compensation.

What Is Thyroid Eye Disease?

Also called Graves’ ophthalmopathy, this autoimmune disorder can affect the patient’s eyes. Common TED symptoms include eyelid swelling and redness, dry or overly wet eyes, eye bulging, pain, and problems with closing the eyes. Although many patients experience only mild symptoms that improve on their own, others with more severe cases may require surgery or medication.

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Did You Develop Parkinson’s Disease After Paraquat Exposure?

 Posted on January 30, 2025 in Defective Products

Arlington Heights, IL personal injury lawyerWhat do farming and landscaping have in common? Undesirable grass and weed growth can choke out the plants you intend to grow and are also unsightly. Chemical herbicides are often used to kill weeds or suppress their growth. While some herbicides are available to consumers, others are designated as Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs), meaning only licensed companies and individuals can use them. Paraquat dichloride is one of the most common RUPs used in the U.S. Unfortunately, recent research has linked Paraquat to serious health concerns, including Parkinson’s disease, lung damage, and kidney failure.

If you have been exposed to Paraquat and have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or another eligible illness, you may qualify to join thousands of others in seeking compensation through a product liability action. A skilled Arlington Heights, IL personal injury attorney can evaluate your situation and explain the next steps on your path toward compensation.

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Were You Diagnosed With Cancer After Using a Hair Relaxer?

 Posted on January 22, 2025 in Personal Injury

Arlington Heights, IL personal injury lawyerFor people with extremely curly hair, chemical hair relaxers and straighteners offer options for sleek styles. However, your new look may come with too heavy a price. Studies have shown that using these products regularly more than doubles the risk of developing uterine cancer when compared to women who do not. Ovarian cancer and other health issues have also been linked to these chemicals.

If you regularly used chemicals to relax or straighten your hair and have been diagnosed with reproductive cancers, you may qualify for compensation through a product liability claim. An experienced Arlington Heights, IL personal injury attorney can assess your eligibility, explain your options, and help you join thousands of other women seeking compensation from negligent manufacturers.

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Has Baby Food With Toxic Heavy Metals Harmed Your Child?

 Posted on January 15, 2025 in Defective Products

Palatine, IL personal injury lawyerFor the first four to six months, babies get their nutrients from breast milk or formula. Rice cereal is often one of the first solid foods introduced into a baby’s diet, with various baby foods following soon afterward. The vitamins and minerals contained in these foods are important components in child development. At the same time, harmful or toxic substances ingested by infants can cause significant problems.

Did you know that multiple companies producing and selling baby food are named in product liability lawsuits? These suits allege that baby foods containing heavy metals are directly responsible for many children developing ADHD, autism, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. If you believe that contaminated baby food harmed your child, call a knowledgeable Palatine, IL personal injury lawyer right away.

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What Is Suboxone, and What If It Caused My Tooth Decay?

 Posted on January 07, 2025 in Defective Drugs & Treatments

Arlington Heights, IL personal injury lawyerPeople who are addicted to opioids like heroin often experience all-consuming cravings for their next high. These cravings can seem impossible to fight. A prescription drug called Suboxone is sometimes prescribed to diminish the powerful cravings, encouraging users to remain sober. However, using Suboxone can bring its own problems.

If you were prescribed Suboxone film and have experienced tooth loss or significant decay, you could be eligible for compensation through a defective drug claim. Contact a knowledgeable Arlington Heights, IL product liability attorney at Newland & Newland, LLP as soon as possible so you do not miss your chance to file a claim.

What Are the Problems With Suboxone?

This drug combines naloxone and buprenorphine. Naloxone causes withdrawal symptoms if patients use additional opioids, and buprenorphine, which is an opioid itself, prevents a painful detox process. While proponents of Suboxone praise its effectiveness, opponents warn of the dangers of continued use, which include becoming addicted to Suboxone. Additionally, buprenorphine, the main ingredient in Suboxone, has been linked to various dental problems.

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Illinois Wintertime Slip and Fall Accidents

 Posted on December 31, 2024 in Slip and Fall

Palatine, IL personal injury lawyerAt any time of year, people can sustain injuries from a slip or trip and fall on someone else’s property. Illinois premises liability laws allow eligible victims to collect compensation for their damages. During the winter months, there are increased risks of slip-and-fall accidents, both indoors and outside.

Proving that someone else’s negligence caused your accident can be challenging, but you must do so if you hope to receive compensation. A skilled Schaumburg, IL personal injury lawyer can investigate your accident and preserve the necessary evidence to support your claim.

Why Do Slip and Fall Risks Increase During the Winter?

Wintertime often brings snow and ice to Chicagoland, coating roads, sidewalks, bridges, parking lots, and yards with frozen precipitation. When walking outdoors, pedestrians are more likely to slip and fall during the winter months because:

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