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Can I Sue for a Healthcare Acquired Infection?
People visit doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare providers for a variety of reasons. Some patients are sick, seeking treatment for their ailments. Others may have broken a leg, need surgery, or be having a baby. When you are released from these facilities, you expect to be in the same or better condition as you were when you entered. Unfortunately, some patients get more than they bargained for.
Healthcare- or hospital-acquired infections (HCAIs) affect approximately 1.7 million hospital patients yearly, with over 98,000 patients dying as a result. HCAIs are among the top 10 causes of death in the U.S. and are the most common hospital care complications. Patients can acquire infections in other healthcare settings, as well. If you suffered harm from an HCAI or a loved one died, a dedicated Schaumburg, IL medical malpractice lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.
What Are Healthcare Acquired Infections?
Initially, HCAIs only referred to infections that patients acquired in hospitals, ones that were not present or incubating when the patients were admitted. The term was expanded to include infections acquired in other healthcare settings, such as clinics, nursing homes, ambulatory care, and even home care. Even hospital intensive-care patients can suffer from HCAIs.
Common HCAIs include urinary tract infections, pneumonia, bloodstream infections, gastrointestinal infections, and surgical site infections. These and other HCAIs are often caused by:
A medical provider’s inadequately washed hands
Surgery, catheter insertion, and other invasive procedures
Unsanitary environments, substances, and medical instruments
These and other medical errors can introduce pathogens like viruses, parasites, bacteria, and fungi into a patient’s body, causing an infection. Long-term care facility residents and other patients who have weakened immune systems, visit healthcare facilities frequently, or require long hospital stays are at an increased risk of contracting infections.
What Harm Can HCAIs Cause?
The type of harm an HCAI can cause depends on several variables, including the type of infection and the patient’s overall health condition. Infections that are not treated properly and promptly can lead to sepsis, organ failure, and death. Lung damage, cellulitis, dehydration, and diarrhea are further examples. Patients might also experience significant pain.
In turn, infections could cause additional complications that delay or prevent the healing process. Extended medical treatment may be necessary, and it can be extremely costly. When an HCAI results from medical negligence, you may qualify to file a medical malpractice or wrongful death claim. Proving that medical negligence caused the infection and related damages is challenging, but your attorney can handle every aspect of your case.
Contact an Experienced Rolling Meadows, IL Hospital Acquired Infection Attorney
When healthcare-acquired infections harm you or claim the life of a family member, a skilled Arlington Heights, IL medical malpractice lawyer from Newland & Newland, LLP will help you fight to maximize your compensation. Request your no-cost case review today online or by calling 847-797-8000.