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Top 3 Tips for Avoiding a Car Accident Caused By an Aggressive Driver

 Posted on April 30,2020 in Car Accident

Rolling Meadows car accident attorney aggressive driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that speeding killed over 9,000 people in 2018, ranking it as a top contender among the major causes responsible for car accidents and injuries. Along with other risky driving behaviors, such as distracted driving or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, speeding is one of the most dangerous types of aggressive action behind the wheel. It has the potential to escalate a bad situation into something much worse very quickly. If you are involved in a vehicle collision caused by a reckless driver, you may be entitled to compensation for any damages you suffer as a result. 

Reaction Is Key When Encountering a Reckless Driver

People drive aggressively for a number of different reasons. When you see another motorist who is speeding, tailgating, swerving from lane to lane, cutting people off, or otherwise driving dangerously, you may make automatic assumptions about the driver and go on the defensive, and their actions may even feel like a personal attack. Whatever is behind someone else’s reckless driving behavior, it is important to stay focused on a fast reaction instead of getting caught up in an emotional response. This will enable you to better protect yourself and everyone around you on the highway. 

The NHTSA and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety have compiled a number of tips to help drivers avoid potential accidents due to aggressive drivers. Practice these helpful tips every time you hit the road:

  1. Do not add fuel to the fire - Safety experts stress the importance of keeping your cool when you encounter an aggressive driver. Studies show that there are specific behaviors on the roadways that provoke aggressive drivers and cause them to snap. Among these include gestures, cutting someone off, and driving too slowly in the left lane. An already agitated driver can become further enraged if you make obscene gestures or other expressions that you may consider harmless, such as shaking your head in frustration. Avoid getting upset, remember to use your turn signals, and do not stubbornly stay in the left lane if a driver is trying to pass you. 

  2. Do not engage the driver - Distance is important when you cross paths with an angry driver. Not only do you risk your own safety by retaliating or engaging with him or her, but you also risk the safety of everyone else around you. A collision with an aggressive driver may end up involving other vehicles traveling alongside you. Safety experts suggest giving a speeding driver plenty of space and remaining in your vehicle until you are positively in the clear and away from him or her. If you are forced into a confrontation for any reason, be sure to pull over somewhere safe, in a public place, with other people present to witness the interaction. In many cases, it is best to call the police immediately before the incident escalates.

  3. Do not try to win - If you commute regularly for work during normal rush hours, you are likely to encounter aggressive drivers from time to time, and many of them are driving the way they are because they are racing against the clock. While you cannot change their behavior, you can focus on what you can control. For example, allow yourself extra time so you are not rushing yourself. By doing so, you are decreasing your chances of giving in to the temptation to challenge the reckless driver or retaliate. Instead, listen to relaxing music, practice some soothing breathing techniques, and work on keeping yourself calm so you can reach your destination safely.

Contact a Palatine Car Accident Lawyer

Sometimes, despite your best efforts to stay safe on the roadway, accidents do occur, and you may be forced to deal with the aftermath, including both property damage and bodily injuries. If you find yourself a victim of a car collision due to an aggressive driver or any other form of driver negligence, do not hesitate to speak with a skilled Arlington Heights personal injury attorney right away. The knowledgeable legal team at Newland & Newland LLP is equipped to fight for your rights and pursue any and all compensation to which you may be entitled. Call us today at 847-797-8000 to schedule your free consultation.





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