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Do Bicyclists in Illinois Have the Same Rights on the Road as Motorists?

 Posted on May 18,2020 in Personal Injury

Arlington Heights bike accident injury attorney

If you are among the many commuters biking more often due to this unprecedented time in our country, then it is important to stay up to date on your rights on the roadways, especially when it comes to protecting yourself from the likelihood of bicycle accidents and injuries. Whether you have just begun biking as a way to cope with stay-at-home orders, to increase your exercise, or simply to rely less on your vehicle during this time, there is some good news for you: Illinois law states that bicyclists have many of the same rights as drivers. 

What Rights Do Bicyclists Have on the Road?

Generally speaking, drivers are required to treat you, the biker, as they would treat other drivers. While it may be a relief to know that you are entitled to most of the same rights that regular motorists are, it is helpful to be aware that you are also accountable for the same responsibilities. For example, bikers should travel in the same direction as vehicles, and if you drive a low-speed or electric bike, you are required to follow all the same laws that are applicable to cyclists, just as drivers must obey all the same laws that apply to them. 

As you venture out and about, keep your safety and your best interests in mind by familiarizing yourself with the following rights and responsibilities in the event of a collision with a vehicle:

  • Drivers must yield the right-of-way to you at all times. 

  • Aggressive driving behavior, including crowding, tailgating, or threatening you is prohibited.

  • You have the right to cross intersections first. For example, if you are approaching an intersection as a driver is getting ready to turn, you have the right to pass through the intersection first before the driver turns. The motorist should be on the lookout for you and respect your right-of-way.

  • When sharing a turning lane, drivers must remain behind you until you have safely completed your turn.

  • Motorists must signal ahead of time when making a turn around or near you.

  • You are entitled to plenty of room on the roadway. Drivers must give you adequate space under normal driving conditions and even more distance during inclement weather.

  • You have the right to ride toward the center of a driving lane when certain hazards are present, such as debris, rough surfaces, drainage grates, or when the traffic lane is very narrow.

Contact an Arlington Heights Bike Accident Lawyer 

If you are the victim of a bike accident due to a driver's reckless behavior or negligence, your injuries could be life-changing. That is why it is crucial that you contact a Palatine personal injury attorney as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected. Our knowledgeable legal team at Newland & Newland LLP can determine if you are eligible to receive any compensation for your injuries, and we can help you fight for the amount you deserve and need to recover. Call us today at 847-797-8000 to schedule your free consultation.




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