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5 Ways Pedestrians Can Protect Themselves from Risk of Injury

 Posted on October 11,2019 in Pedestrian Accidents

Schaumburg pedestrian accident lawyer

Within recent years, studies from the U.S. Department of Transportation have found that close to 6,000 pedestrians were killed each year due to car accidents. These studies have also revealed that motor vehicle collisions rank as one of the top leading causes of unintentional death in the United States, creating an even clearer perspective on the scope of pedestrian accident risks on our roadways. Because they have little protection from injury, pedestrians are particularly vulnerable, and they must often rely on their own self-awareness to protect themselves on the streets.

Tips for a Safe Commute

Whether you walk on a daily basis or you only choose walking as a mode of transportation under special circumstances, you are likely to be a pedestrian at one time or another. Being proactive is key to ensuring your safety as you get around on foot, and the most effective way to do this is to remain alert and aware of your surroundings. Sadly, the motorists who cause many pedestrian injuries are often distracted themselves. Negligent drivers can place you at increased risk during your commute, but you can protect yourself in the following ways:

  1. Focus on the road instead of a device - Distracted walking is just as dangerous as distracted driving. Texting or talking on the phone while commuting by foot is one of the biggest ways pedestrians put themselves at risk for serious injury. Keep your eyes on the road, not your device.

  2. Do not ignore rules and signs - Road signs and crosswalk rules exist for a reason. Be sure to obey signs and signals and use sidewalks whenever available. If there is no sidewalk in sight, do your best to face the direction of traffic and leave plenty of room between yourself and oncoming cars.

  3. Do not make assumptions about visibility - Pedestrians often take steps forward with the assumption that a driver making a turn or backing out of a driveway sees them. Avoid this danger by making eye contact with the driver as you approach them, and make yourself visible by being mindful of what you wear. Dress in reflective clothing at night and bright-colored clothing in the daytime.

  4. Do not walk while under the influence - Pedestrians are often struck by vehicles while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, and this may occur because their judgment is impaired. If you must walk, avoid doing so after consuming alcohol, and be proactive beforehand by designating a safe place to wait until you are able to travel safely on foot.

  5. Avoid erratic movement - Whether you are having an animated discussion with another pedestrian as you are walking or decide to dart out of the way and veer off the sidewalk to make room for a passerby, moving erratically and unpredictably can put you in danger of being struck by nearby vehicles. 

Contact a Schaumburg Personal Injury Lawyer

Thankfully, the U.S. Department of Transportation makes it their continual mission to find ways to design better roads and implement more effective safety measures for pedestrians and drivers alike. Despite these efforts, however, accidents still happen, and in many cases, they occur because of the actions of negligent motorists. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle collision while you were on foot, understanding your rights is the first step in advocating for your health and the outcome of your case. Speak with an experienced Arlington Heights pedestrian accident attorney today. Call Newland & Newland, LLP at 847-797-8000 to schedule your free phone consultation.





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